"The Distant Barking of Dogs," a new documentary on POV, follows the life of 10-year-old Ukrainian boy Oleg over a year, witnessing the gradual erosion of his innocence beneath the pressures of the on-going war in Eastern Ukraine. Having no other pla...
"The Distant Barking of Dogs," a new documentary on POV, follows the life of 10-year-old Ukrainian boy Oleg over a year, witnessing the gradual erosion of his innocence beneath the pressures of the on-going war in Eastern Ukraine. Having no other place to go, Oleg and his grandmother Alexandra stay and watch as others leave the village, showing just how crucial-and fragile-family is for survival.
Directed by Simon Lereng Wilmont, "The Distant Barking of Dogs" has its national broadcast debut on the PBS documentary series POV and pov.org on Monday, August 5 at 10 p.m. ET (check local listings). The film is a co-presentation with the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM) and American Documentary.
"POV" is American television's longest-running independent documentary series now in its 32nd season. The award-winning "POV" (a cinema term for "point of view") series is the longest-running showcase on television to feature the work of America's best contemporary-issue independent filmmakers.
For interviews with documentary directors, authors, actors, and more, check out Salon's digital series
"Salon Talks.".