"The Wire," which aired on HBO for five seasons between 2002 and 2008 wasn't just an acting job for Sonja Sohn, who played Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs, and Andre Royo, who played Reginald "Bubbles" Cousins. The Baltimore-based characters left a lifelo...
"The Wire," which aired on HBO for five seasons between 2002 and 2008 wasn't just an acting job for Sonja Sohn, who played Det. Shakima "Kima" Greggs, and Andre Royo, who played Reginald "Bubbles" Cousins. The Baltimore-based characters left a lifelong impact on both. In a joint interview with Salon's D. Watkins, the actors shared their stories and reflections on the 20th anniversary of the iconic show. Playing an addict humbled Royo and he shares with Salon how it made him confront his own preconceived ideas about unhoused people and addicts. For Sohn, playing a cop brought up "serious conflicts, inner conflicts," which she admits she might have leaned into more if she were to revive the role of Kima today.